Convert OST to PST Outlook 2013, 2016 up to Office 365!

Convert OST to PST Outlook 2013 – No Missing Images, Attachments, Metadata, or Other Such Elements!

To convert OST to PST Outlook 2013, there are few freeware solutions that can work. Most of them have a poorly built framework that will get you nowhere. But, the ones that do work, work with a lot of errors and data integrity damage. You will notice a lot of missing components like images, attachments, and others.

And most probably, you have a lot of such elements that you do not wish to lose. Emails today are getting complex every day. There was a time when they only used to contain simple words, but today, you can find any sort of information in any form. Sharing files through attachments is a common one. Embedding images within the bodies of emails are also very a common method to share photos with others. In fact, all emails contain some form of graphical objects, like logos and such.

There’s also metadata and headers, also called properties and details in a more casual way, that all emails contain. These include parts of the sender and recipient email addresses, time and date stamps, Cc, Bcc, Subject Line, and more.

Another huge element of your database that might be inside OST files is the order of your folders and sub-folders. You most likely have arranged the emails in a particular order that helps you manage them with efficiency and productivity. For example, a lot of users keep all work-related emails under ‘Travel” folder, personal emails under a different folder, and so on. It could go even further by creating sub-folders within a parent folder. Therefore, a heavy user of emails perhaps has a rather complex hierarchy/structure that is always crucial for the management.

Next up is the non-English text characters inside emails. You probably communicate in a language other than English. Or you probably have friends or clients that send you non-English emails. There can be client’s information in his or her own native language other than English. Such character use encoding standards other than ASCII to encode the characters. The most complex is double-byte characters, used by Chinese and Japanese languages. They use two bytes to encode a single graphical character, whereas English and other languages use a single byte.

The point of all that is how complex emails can be.

Using a freeware tool to convert OST to PST put all of those components at risk. The output can be heavily damaged and fragmented, meaning, you would have lost a huge chunk of your details that you intend to convert safely. No one likes data loss, and it could be a painful thing to experience, especially for a work-related database.

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What could be the solution, then?

Don’t worry. It’s not all bad here. If you are wanting to convert OST to PST Outlook 2013, first of all, you have to forget the freeware tools as they cannot contain the precise algorithms needed to convert data cleanly.

What you are looking for is a professional converter. And there’s no better than “OST Extractor Pro,” from USL Software. You can download for either Mac OS X or Windows depending on where you want to convert the files. It’s the only converter that has the dedicated algorithms to keep all components of your data inside the files safe and preserved. With 100% precise output, you also get a simple GUI, advanced options, and a 24×7 support from USL Software.

convert ost to pst outlook 2013

Get it to convert ost to pst Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2010

You should download the free trial version to see if it fits your needs. The Chances are that you will instantly be impressed by how sufficiently it converts data with accuracy and is so easy to use.

Download now at

convert ost to pst outlook 2016

Get OST Extractor Pro today, to convert ost to pst outlook 2016, 2013, 2010 & earlier version.

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